Animal Jam Old Hood

Today I'm going to do the Rare Bow. It's actually a very rare item, but super easy to get in adventures. Four rare bows are worth a Rare Headdress, because Rare Headdresses aren't good. My sister got a Rare Bow from a Worn, Non Member Sword, Rare Scary Bats, and Rare Old Hood. If people aren't attached, you can get them for a Rare Fox Hat, and that's fair.
Here are a couple DON'TS from me; trading/sending wise:

The Arctic Hood is a clothing item that was introduced to Animal Jam during its Beta Testing Phase. This means that it is an incredible old item, and a quite rare one at that. If you want to get an Arctic Hood for yourself, you can use one of the following methods to obtain one. According to AJHQ, Betas are items released during the Beta Testing which ended on May 13, 2015. They are commonly mistaken with rare and wanted items.

•DON'T trade them for a couple little rares
•DON'T put them in trades as often as other rares, if you have a lot you're lucky.

Animal Jam Play Wild Old Hood

•DON'T send them to people. Ever. They like them but won't send back.

Animal Jam Rare Old Hood

• DON'T make them the only item on your trade.

Animal Jam Old Hood

•DON'T ever believe they're coming back.

Animal Jam Old Hood Worth