Neopets Virtual Prize Code

All Cheats

Dubloon Disaster

Type in scallywags during the game to start a whirlpool. Careful though it might suck in your enimies, it can suck you in also ( stay away from the pool ).

Details about Neopets Virtual Prize Code See original listing. Neopets Virtual Prize Code: Condition: New. Ended: Feb 26, 2021. Price: US $1.35. Details about Neopets Virtual Prize Code See original listing. Neopets Virtual Prize Code: Condition: New. Ended: Feb 26, 2021. Price: US $1.35. Virtual Prize Code is a Trademark by Neopets, Inc., the address on file for this trademark is 412 West Broadway Avenue Third Floor, Glendale, CA 91204.

  1. Aug 11, 2012 The us codes are different from Canadian codes. Sadly these items are not tradeable, but are cool wearables or food for your neopet! Enter all these codes. You may use the same four diget code 8 times to get 8 different items each time. Altador Code - A967 Faerieland Code - F213 Haunted Woods Code - H483 Krawk Island Code - K563 Lost Desert.
  2. What is a Virtual Prize Code for Neopets? Each Virtual Prize Code is unique to everyone. There are some that can be used by all, which are the Facebook freebies and to get the avatar.
Carnival of Terror
To get more time type in “custard” during the game
Duplication Cheat
1.) Go into Your Inventory. 2.) Click on an item that you want to duplicate. 3.) Right-click on the page that pops up and view the source. Copy and paste that source into an HTML section of your own free website. (You can get free websites right here at Neopets.) 4.) Change where it says “Select Action” to “Give To [Your Username Here]” (near bottom). 5.) Go to the website, and press “submit”! I dont think it works any more tho
Free Chocolate Lupes
10:00 p.m. – 10:05 p.m., (eastern time) the Lupe Pack donates hundreds of chocolate lupes to the money tree! Free Neopoints! umm, not sure if they do this any more but can still try!
Codes for the hide and seek
Go to the library or the tree, then click any were then click Tab then enter then keep repeating.
Cheat to get atleast 1100 neopoints
First get an account, then sign up for all offers (If you dont want all that crap in your mail box make a fake account at Hotmail) then get a shop, and put 4 apples in it (You can put only 1 in if you want but it doesen’t matter you decide), price them at 1100 each and then go tot he sign up page and make a crappy account like W00W, W01W, etc (Sign up as a teen or above). alright so your new account has only 500$ crappy eh? will make 4 pets (dont bother with the names,and stats) and be sure to open the Cartoon Network Page (At the bottom of the page where it says: “Your Pet Has Been Created!”). Now you have 800 $ still not enough, so go to the soap box, say your under 6 and do the rest of the page and voila! 1100 dollars now go to your shop (you should know how too do that).
Easy money
If you neglect your Neopet, the game will give you free money. You cannot touch the game for a day.
Mystery Money Cheat
Ok, this one is simple, but risky, but sometimes worth it (I say this, because I got 30,000 from it in 1 hour). Now, sign up, as a teenager, then go to Terror Mountain, then to the Ice Caves, then, go to the kiosk game, and play it, yeah, I know, your thinking, whats he talking about that stupid, but hey its a pretty good thing to do.
Quest Cheat
This is a little old but what the heck!? Now get a quest from the faeries and make another account (make the account pass and username easy to remember) now go there and go to the Shop Wizard, search for the item you are supposed to find, take the url and then go to your REAL account and get the money needed for the payment and voila you did your quest. (Note: Some people were calling me a liar about my pet because his abilities and strength were so high, the reason he was so good, was because, when I was around, you asked the faeries for quests, so instead of it popping up rarely).
Snowager Cheat
Well, this is a pretty good cheat, and the items, are good to get, anyhoo, make an account, go to the snowager when he’s asleep, (Which I have found was 11:00 PM EST to 12:00 AM EST, and 1:00 AM EST to 2:00 AM Est) So then you try to get the item from him.
Tombolala Coins
Ok, make the account, (teen one), and make one pet, then go to shops, go to your items, and then to the Tombolala Coins, then signup for all the ones you want! (I find, the fastes ones, are the 1st, and 4th)
Selling Your Products
Alright I know from experience that the lower the prices the more customers. So go to the Shop Wizard and search for whatever product that in your store if you see someone has a lower price, lower yours by 1, just repeat over and over.
Best Time To Shop
Alright I have found that the best time to shop is from 3:00 AM (Eastern Time!) to 7:00 AM (Eastern Time!) There wont be as much people then and the Neopets Shops have items longer which means more time to browse, But dont dawdle.
Nerkmid cheat
Buy a Nerkmid anyone then put it up for auction then use it and you still get the money from the auction and you get the nerkmid but you USE the nerkmid.

Neopets Virtual Prize Code 2021

Pet Combos
Mongmong + Snorkle = Moink
Poppit + Spyder = Spoppy
Angelpuss + Triffen = Blooky
To get a bigger mallet type in “a5paragu5”
Tug-O-War Passwords
Theibos= lrslsts
Khadir= sltltsr
Ramset= sslrtrl
Horak= lrlrss

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Dice Escape

All during game play

topdownbird’s eye view of the game
moretimerukiextra time

Contributed By: knd1994

Flash Game Cheats

These cheats should be typed in while playing the game.

glubgar+1 life in Volcano Run II.
channyhungry+30 seconds to your time in Spell Or Starve
kingaltador1 extra life in Crisis Courier.
plzsutekcanihavemoretime30 second time bonus in suteks tomb
nopopupsAll the advertisements on the current screen in Advert Attack will disappear. Only one use per game.
slorgerizerblasts a few slorgs at once in Attack of the Slorgs
rainbowneggCreates a 25 points rainbow negg in jelly blobs of doom
ScallywagsCreates a whirlpool in dubloon disaster!
buuuurrrrrrrrpdecreases your bloat by 50% in snowmuncher
fishneggEat the fishnegg and get 50 free points
novisitorsExtra 30 seconds on the timer in Moon Rock Rampage(works only once per game)
geoffreyExtra life in Chia Bomber II
frumballExtra life in Frumball
kreludorExtra life in Kreludan Mining Corp.
meepitsextra life in Meepit Juice Break
1morekarpohpleaseextra life in Raiders of Maraqua
drfrankslothExtra life in The Return of the Return of Dr Sloth (once per game)
blackpawkeetGain an extra level when input after level two in Attack of the Revenge
snowghettiandmeatballGet an extra 10 snowballs in Snowball Fight (once per game)
catapultGives you a random bonus item in Ultimate Bullseye
OscillabotGives you an extra attempt at petpetsitter.
foreverandeverandeverGives you an extra life in Neverending Boss Battle
explodeIn Attack of the Gummy Dice, type at any point during the game to transform your current dice into a bomb dice.
delightfulIn Attack of the Gummy Dice, typing delightful at any point during the game, will tranform your current dice into a morph dice.
lookoutbrunoIn Bruno’s Backwoods Breakaway, typing lookoutbruno at any point during the game, will give you an extra life.
boohooiwanttheoldgamebackIn Destruct-O-Match II lets you play the original version (type on the mode select screen)
pestIn Itchy Invasion, typing pest during gameplay will restore your Pest-B-Gone ammunition to full. (Once per game)
xagamIn Magax: Destroyer II, type this code at any point in the game to restore your health meter to full.
boomshaketheroomIn Scourge Of The Lab Jellies, type this code to create 3 consecutive bombs in the game.
lumiwatergunIn The Usul Suspects, type at any point during the game to get an extra life.
supercannonballLarge cannonball in Castle Battles
dirigiblesMakes a blimp float across the screen of mynci beach volleyball.
dieterMultiplies your score in Snowmuncher by 100 but it does not stay like that.
rehaxtintOne extra letter hint in The Castle of Eliv Thade
doughnutfruitReset the timer in Hasee Bounce (once per game)
valrigardresets the clock in Escape From Meridell Castle
vitamincReturns you to full health in Deckswabber (once per game)
ummaginethiefSkip level in Grand Theft Ummagine (but resets your score)
salamanderskips a level in The Buzzer Game
kougraSkips level on Meriball, but resets points.
kougraskips through a level while playing gormball. (no points rewarded though.)
rThe easiest way to turn the radar on and off in Bouncy Supreme
stardustTurns current bubble in to a Nova Bubble in Faerie Bubbles
ferociousneggsareonthelooseType during the Meerca Chase II title screen to unlock the secret ferocious level
snowfaerieType this while on the character select screen in Faerie Cloud Racers. This will allow all of the obstacles to disappear for the first round.
freezewill cause Balthazar to freeze in Extreme Herder
destroybouldersWill remove all blocks of one colour from the screen in Destruct-O-Match II. Can only be used once per game.
shepherdx2 score in Gourmet Club Bowls

Contributed By: Firestorm88, Jelly Soup, _DemonicDragon_, gguupp, o3141592654, allstar56, Snow Angel, Takahmasak, nottelling123, Ryosagi, AC Fanatic, FFCourtJester, CuteBlueBabyBea, Abarint, Strong Bad 123, Ringworm, WilliamPorygon, Shark_Raptor, neobeastman, doggbit, Chompy213, FEKamikaze, RoxyBabii006, loudmouth99, _Scott_

rainbowneggone will appear,eat and you will get 25 points

Contributed By: Misko_01

Mootix Drop codes

Go to a Mission Drop screen (where it shows what mission you’re going to do) and press up, down, right and left. Some icons appear will appear in the bottom corner. There are three (right, middle and left) columns and four (babaa, spyder, mootix, target) icons. Place them in the following orders to get the results.

Babaa/Mootix/SpyderGiant mootix
Target/Mootix/BabaaInvisible mootix and you start with 5 points
Target/Target/SpyderStart with 8 points in the secret Spyder level
Spyder/Target/MootixSuper Fast mootix

Contributed By: Jelly Soup

Secret Emoticons

Neopets lists the emoticons that you can use, but there are a few others they haven’t told you about. Use them just like any regular emoticon.

*complain*Complaining face (animated)
*yarr*Old winking face
*violin*Violinist (Animated)

Contributed By: Firestorm88, Jelly Soup, Strong Bad 123

Toybox Escape

At the title screen insert one of the following.

DT55KE63Skips to Level 11

Contributed By: l_A_c_i_d_l

Going to McDonald’s Level Codes

From the main menu chose ”ENTER LEVEL CODE” and enter one of the following codes.

2ECD3LSkip to Level 10
FM5JMSSkip to Level 12
A0I87LSkip to Level 14
L8E5HQSkip to Level 16
VFD32GSkip to Level 18
289BIISkip to Level 19
C2W72HSkip to Level 20
B0EAE4Skip to Level 21
EKLHNOSkip to Level 7
2EE2E7Skip to Level 9

Contributed By: bbobjsaol, TheLethalOne

Grand Theft Ummagine level passwords

Enter on password/code screen, by clicking on Use Level Code.

TWW1Z9Level ‘The Gardeners Revenge’

Contributed By: DORUGARUMON

New Going to McDonalds Codes

On the Main Menu, choose ”ENTER LEVEL CODE” and enter the password.

X978YGSkip to Level 10
AH0EHNSkip to Level 12
5VD32GSkip to Level 14
G390CLSkip to Level 16
9FGCIJSkip to Level 7
X99X92Skip to Level 9

Contributed By: TheLethalOne

Old Plot passwords

These passwords are from old plots of the wars that neopets had.

PasswordEffect you a coded message that had to do with the Coltzan’s Crown Plot.

Contributed By: SergeitheCat

Skip to higher levels on ToyBox Escape

Press Enter level code.

WCOO3XPMskip to level 11
IQOWYKY0skip to level 6

Contributed By: Ihaveneofeavor

Neopets virtual prize codes

To play any character in Tug-o-war

Just play a new game, pick a character,and type in the following:
Brucey B doesn’t have any password for you to play him.

l r l r s sTo play as Horak
s s l r t r lTo play as Ramset

Contributed By: chr0matics

ToyBox Escape

Click ENTER LEVEL CODE and put in the following codes to get to the following levels without all the hard work because I’ve allready done it all. 😉

5LXXC6YVGets you to level 11
RZX57T79Gets you to level 6

Contributed By: Christyl101

Tug-O-War level passwords

While playing tug-o-war enter these passwords in to go to the wanted opponent in the password screen.


Contributed By: Camo1235

Hidden Avatars

These are the ways to unlock the avatars to use on the NeoBoards. If a link is presented, just copy paste it into your address bar to unlock the corresponding avatar.

UnlockableHow to Unlock
‘Mmm, custard!’Feed anything with the word ‘custard’ in it to one of your neopets.
A Day at the BeachGo on a Tiki Tour with one of your pets.
Acara – Roberta of Brightvale
Achyfi!feed your pet a Dandelion and Burdock Drink (this can be gotten from tombola)
Aisha – Disco
Aisha Defender
Alien AishaUse a nerkmid in the Alien Aisha Vending Machine
Altador Cup – Staff TourneyGot at least one correct guess in the finals of the Altador Cup Staff Tournament (retired)
Angelpuss – Angel
Angry Air MoteBuy a R70 or higher mote from the Brightvale Motery.
Attack of the SlorgsScore 1000+ in Attack of the Slorgs
Avatar CollectorBe in the top 50 of the Avatar High Scores
Baby nimmo avatarVisit the userlookup of ANY baby nimmo
Battle Faerie AvatarRefresh at the Win Screen after battle
Better Than YouFinish a Better Than You challenge
Bilge DiceGet a perfect score of 24 on the game Bilge Dice, and keep refreshing the screen
Bleh Avatar
Blue FuzzlePlay with your Evil Blue Fuzzle until it scares your pet
BomberGet a score of 1300 or more on Chia Bomber
brainycomplete the faerie crossword puzzle to unlock this avatar.
Broken AvatarTake any smashed, broken, or ripped item to Donny’s Toy Repair Shop and have him fix it for you.
Buzz – MaraquanClick on the very tip of the Maraquan Buzz’s antenna on the image for Caption Contest #664
Buzzin’Paint your Buzz with a Split Paint Brush at the Rainbow Fountain
Cap’n Threeleg’s avatarTrain your pet at the pirate acadamy on krawk island, to unlock this avatar
Captain Scarblade
Caylis Isca
Chia BomberEarn a score of 1300 or more in Chia Bomber II to get this avatar.
ChokatoHave the Chokato (TCG) in your inventory and reload the page
Chomp!Feed your jetsam a Pepito
Cliffhanger – Game OverPlay Cliffhanger and lose.
Coconut JubJubFeed your Cocount JubJub at Coconut Cocktail
CodestonesHave all the current codestones in your inventory and refresh.
Curse of Maraqua – Maraquan SupporterIf you participated in the Curse of Maraqua war as a Maraquan Supporter, view your Userlookup
Curse of Maraqua – Pirate SupporterIf you participated in the Curse of Maraqua war as a Pirate Supporter, view your Userlookup
Cybunny – PlushView the pet lookup of any Plushie Cybunny while having any plushie in your inventory
DariganIf you fought on the Darigan side in the Meridell vs Darigan war, go to your userlookup
Darigan RedeemedVisit Darigans Chambers if you were on Darigan’s side during the Meridell War.
Dark NovaEquip your pet with any battle item whose name contains the words “dark nova”
DarklingAfter participating in the Meridell War, go to your user lookup
DeckswabberSubmit a score of 825+ in the game Deckswabber
Defenders of Neopia – Lupe
Destruct-O-Match IIat least 2,500 or more in Destruct-O-Match II.
Dice-A-RooGet The Jackpot in Dice-A-Roo.
Dr. Death
Dr. SlothRandom Event
Draik – HatchedVisit the Draik Nest while having a Draik as your active pet
DungHave 10 different dung items in your inventory and keep refreshing
Easter CybunnySend the Easter neogreeting with the jubjubs in a basket.
Edna CackleKeep doing quests for Edna in her Witch’s Tower until you get the avatar. When you will get the avatar is totally random.
Elephante SurpriseFeed your Elephante a bag of peanuts
Emo avatarChange your shopkeeper to usul gothic, and hit shop front.
Evil ElivGet a score of 1,200 or more on Eliv Thade
Evil JhudoraUsed to be finishing one of her quests. No longer accessible.
Extreme HerderSend a score of 250+ in Extreme Herder
Faerie GrundoView the pet lookup of a Faerie Grundo
Faerie Pteri
Feed MeFeed your Skeith a Regal Skeith Helmet
Fire PawBuy the TCG card “Fire Paw” and put it into your neodeck.
Flotsam – Tough!Go here:
FREAKEDScore in the top 50 high scores of Korbats Lab
Free JhuidahNo longer available – You had to free Jhuidah using a Tagobo Potion during the plot
Fyora – Faerie QueenBuy any artifact from her Hidden Tower and you will automatically get it in your Avatar Dropdown List!
GadsgobenUsed to be that you had to look up Trickster Llugh and the Legend of Gadgadbogen.
Gelert – Spotted
Geraptiku – Deserted TombRandomly awarded when visiting the Deserted Tomb
GnomeHave any gnome in your inventory and go to the garden shop.
GoldyVisit a pet look up that has a goldy attached to the pet
Grand Theft UmmagineSubmit a score of 1100+ in Grand Theft Ummagine
Grarrl – Galem DarkhandLookup the item Galem Darkhand.
Grarrl WarriorEquip your grarrl with one of the grarrl weapons released on Grarrl Day of 2003
Grey Faerie
Groovy ChombySee “Chomby and the Fungus Balls” in concert
Grundo – Forever OrangeHave an Orange Grundo and view its lookup
Grundo WarehouseGo to the Grundo Warehouse and where it says “Older 10 character codes”, type in A384J for the first input box and 228P1 in the second box.
Gruslen AvatarHave a Gruslen on your pet for 100+ days, then go to that pet’s lookup.
Happy Birthday!Visit on 15.11.05
Has Anyone Seen…If you were among the first 100 to solve the Mystery Island Quest (Volcano Mystery), then you got this avatar
HeermeedjetYou may get this by defeating the Meerca Henchmen in the Battledome
Helpful ZafaraType in the word “Avatar” in the Help Section. Then, click on the FAQ page and keep refreshing.
Huggy avatarTo unlock this avatar have this petpet equipped to your pet for at least 100 days
I *Heart* SlothGo to:, and fill out all of the questions in favor of Dr. Sloth (C, D, B, C, A)
I Saved Mystery IslandYou automatically get this avatar if you solved the Mystery Island quest
Illusen DollIf you completed a Quest for Illusen on March 17th, 2004 (Illusen Day), then you got this avatar
Invasion Of MeridellRandom while playing Invasion Of Meridell
Jelly avatarachieve 1000 or more points on jelly proccessing factory, and this avatar will be yours.
JesterForm a joke that makes the Grumpy Old King laugh
Jetsam – Bah!Visit a Baby Jetsam.
Jhudora’s CloudReach level 20 of Jhudora’s Cloud
JubJub – TyrannianView the pet lookup of any Tyrannian JubJub
Kadoatie AvatarFeed 75 Kadoatie at the Kadoatery
Kasuki Lu – Heeyah!In the Battledome, beat Kasuki Lu
Kiosk WockyWin A prize in scrathcard kiosk in Terror mountain
KnightAfter participating in the Meridell War, go to your user lookup
Korbat – Royal (Boy)Change your gender to FEMALE and visit a FEMALE Royal Korbat!
Kougra – BabyView the pet lookup of any Baby Kougra.
kyrii avatarGo to the Island Mystic on Mystery Island and have your fortune told. If the Mystic mentions “kyrii” in his fortune then you recieve his avatar
Lenny – FinneusRevisit King Altador one day after collecting your Altador Plot prizes
Lenny PlushieWin a Lenny Conundrum game.
Lever avatarto unlock this avatar, you must pull the lever of doom in the virtupets station; the avatar occurs randomly when you LOSE Np
Lil’ DevilIn Chapter 5 of NeoQuest II, win against the DevilPuss
Lost Desert Stamp CollectorFill up your Lost Desert Stamp album and you may get this avatar
Lucky StreakWin 10 games in a row of Bilge Dice
Lupe Defender
Maraquan Krawk
Math’s NightmareGet on the High Score Tables for Math’s Nightmare
mediocreYou need to win the grand prize of 1,000 NP on the Wheel of Mediocrity in order to get the avatar
Meerca ChaseScore over 750 while playing Meerca Chase
MeerouladenAfter reaching level 8 on Defenders of Neopia, go to
MeridellIf you fought on the Meridell side in the Meridell vs Darigan war, go to your userlookup
Mmm, custard!Change your language to Portuguese and feed your neopet a ‘Illusens Cream Cookie.’
Moehog – HalloweenHave any item with the word ‘Sloth’ in its name and view the lookup of any Halloween Moehog
MootixHave a Mootix petpet attach to a petpet
MummifiedHave a Mummy baby petpet attached to a ruki for ninety days
MutantChange your pet into a mutant with a Transmogrification Potion
Mutant QuiggleView the pet lookup of an aged Mutant Quiggle
Mynci SpikeYou have to score 850 points or more or beat all six rounds in Mynci Beach Volleyball.
NabileHave an item with the word ‘ring’ in your inventory and go to
Neomail AddictSend a Neomail with ‘I love Neomail’ as the subject and the message.
Neoquest II – Bionic CybunnyDefeat the Bionic Cybunny in Neoquest II (Chapter 5).
Neoquest II – WeaklingLose to a plains lupe while playing Neoquest II
ninjaHave a Niten Hiroru card in your inventory, then look it up in the Neopedia.
Not for WreathaleVisit lookup of gurl_12950
Number Six AvatarWhat you have to do is go to the About Us page and have the same amount of NP as Adam does on hand
OrangeHave around 15 Non-Magical Orange Chia Pops in your inventory and keep refreshing
Pant DevilHave a Hidden Tower item in your trades and refresh at your inventory (Not all HT items work)
Petpet LaboratoryHave access to the Petpet Laboratory, then get your petpet zapped into a Pile of Soot
Pirate Aisha
Pirate Scorchio
Plastic FirRetired – Only avaliable to those who went to advent calander on 12-1-04
Plushie EyrieGo to the NeoBoards and make a message saying “Squawk”
Poogle Racing WinnerIn Poogle Races place a bet on the winning poogle.
Pteri – DariganView the pet lookup of a Darigan Pteri whose petpet is Darigan colored. This is only available on Pteri Day, once a year.
Purple- PeophinView a Purple peophin’s lookup to unlock this avatar
QuadrapusHave a Quadrapus attached to your pet for 60 days.
Quiggle – IslandHave an Island Quiggle and view its lookup
Quiguki April Fools AvatarView the New Features page on April Fools Day
RoboPut a item with ROBO in its name, into your Neohome. Robo Quiggles only work when your language is set to Japanese.
Ruki AvatarVisit the lookup of any Ruki. hopper101192
Save JhuidahGo to the Rock Pool and click her picture with a Tagobo Potion in your inventory
Scorchio – ScordraxHave any Scorchio plushie in your inventory, then view the TCG album of someone with the Scordrax (TCG) card
SighPaint one of you pets with the grey paintbrush and look at their pet lookup page
skarrl moodyGet king skarrl mad when you tell him a joke
Skeith – SnarganPlay Double or Nothing and collect your money when you get to 320NP or higher
SnorkleFeed your pet a Snorkle Snout.
Sophie the Swamp WitchVisit to unlock this avatar
Space FaerieDefeat the Space Faerie in the Battledome
SpeckledFeed your Neopet any item with the word ‘speckled’ in its name
Sssidney AvatarSimply sratch any winning ticket at the Deserted Fairground Scratchcards
Star GazerVisit a starry kau’s lookup
Sutek’s TombGet a score of 2000 or more in Sutek’s Tomb
SymolRandom while diving into the Symol Hole in Meridell. Refreshing at the end page does not work.
Tale of Woe – KrawleyParticipated in the Tale of Woe plot and then visited Sophie’s Shack to claim your prizes.
TCG – Wanna Play?Anyone who got points in the Battle for Meridell TCG Staff Tournament got this avatar.
Techo – CheesyRandom while finish a Cheeseroller race in under 60 seconds
TNT AvatarNormal users cannot get this avatar.Only staff members can get this avatar.
ToastyTake any item with the word bread in it to the volcano, and you will unlock this avatar.
Tomos AvatarBuy a item with scarab in it the go to the 2nd how to draw page of tomos
Top Gamer AvatarHave a High score In two hundred and fifty games; then view your game score
TurtumGet a high score for Ultimate Bullseye
Tuskaninny-RelaxView the lookup of any Island Tuskaninny to receive this avatar.
Tyrannian Stamp CollectorFill up your Tyrannian Stamp album and you may get this avatar
Ultimate BullseyeGet 225 points in Ultimate Bullseye
Uni FabooBuy an item with a rarity of 80 or higher from the Clothes Shop.
Usukicon UsulsVisit the Usukicon Advert found at the Usuki Shop
Valentine ChiaSend the Puppyblew “I Love You (Animated)!” NeoGreeting, and put “I Love You” in the message
Vira AvatarHave any mirror in your inventory. Go to World and then click on Evil. Enter the book, then on the scrollselect, select Vira.
Volcano FaerieYou had to be within the Top 100 people to solve the Mystery Island Volcano Plot
Wanna fight avatarUse a jetsam in the battledome and this avatar will be unlocked.
Weakling NQIIHave Rohane, your main character, lose to a Plains Lupe in Neoquest II to get this avatar.
Whack-A-KassGet a 900+ points in Whack-A-Kass.
Whee! SnowbunniesYou must have a Snowbunny equipped to your pet for 1 whole year (365 days) or more.
Wheel of KnowledgeGet the star/flag by spinning the wheel
Wheel of Monotony – SpinRandom event while playing the Wheel of Monotony.
Wicked LennyFeed your Lenny a spooky food.
Wocky – Snow DayView the look up of your own 100+ days old Snow pet
yoinkedachieve 1250 or more points in freaky factory
Zafara – Double AgentOwn a Zafara Double Agent Plushie in your inventory while you search ‘zafara double agent’ in the search bar.

Contributed By: Firestorm88, smackydefrog, EPNeo, NostalgicX, electrosho, Leif99, allstar56, NeoNeoNeopets, Abarint, neobeastman, Dark_Star_1, WiLdCaT1994, zerocool07, GameFreakMania, ShinyCelebi, ThundaStar, Cooleyz Dragon, gguupp, zapmaster, Jezzie, I am immortal, _Scott_, darkskyflame_, Menion Leah, wizard1, Shadow., 1TOOT, Quil, shadow514, Zodiac471, stefike13, blackmage 200, 0_zerocool_0, Game_Master189, Pyrogoeth, Blue Thunder Kuno, AABLMD82, Hovel, fiery_deluge, Kite Man, HOMEstar35545, GaroMaster001, supRstaR333

Hidden Battledome Challengers

Here are how to get the unlockable challengers for the Battledome. Those that are gotten when you start an account are not listed.

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Advisor BrooRandom Event while playing Dice-A-Roo
BalthazarHe is a random event.
Black PteriRandom Event
Brain TreeFinish his Quest in the Haunted Woods
Cave ChiaYou can find him by going to the second page of the Cave Paintings in Tyrannia and refresh
ChiazillaGet him at the Ruins of Maraqua
Commander GarooKeep refreshing at
Count Von RooRandom Event
EdnaFinish her Quest in the Haunted Woods
Evil Sloth CloneRandom Event here:
Fire FaerieTo get her as a challenger, choose her as an opponent for Gormball. If you win, she will challenge you.
Ghost Lupego to
Giant GhostkerchiefGo here:
Harry the Mutant MoehogAutomatically available as a challenger when going to the battledome
Highland ChiaAutomatically available as a challenger when going to the battledome
Jelly Chia
Kasuki LuIf you want him as a challenger, you need to buy his Collectable Trading Card by the same name
Koi WarriorGo to the Ruins of Maraqua and keep refreshing.
Lab Ray ScientistFirst you need the secret laboratory map completed, then refresh at
Lava GhoulHe is a random event or play the Wheel of Excitement and land on him.
Magnus the Torch
Maintenance PteriFound in a random event while using the site
MeukaUse a Ferocious Negg, Random Event, or Wheel of Misfortune in Deserted Fairgrounds to give your pet Sneezles of Neoflu; then visit Quick Ref
Mootix WarriorAutomatically available as a challenger when entering the battledome
Pant DevilPut a worthless item in your “your items” page and press F5, he’ll show up after a while.
Qasalan MummyRefresh here
Red PteriRandom event.
Robo GrarrlRefresh here:
Ryshu the NimmoYou can find Ryshu at the Mystery Island Training School
Shadow UsulHe is a random event
SidneyWin a level 3 or higher prize on one of his scratchcards
Snow BeastRefresh here:
Snow FaerieTo get her as a challenger, go to the Terror Mountain and click on the Snow Quests. Complete one of her quests then she will challenge you.
Space FaerieGet her by having one of the “rare codes” given out when you buy NeoPets merchandise
Spider Grundo
Tax BeatRand Event where he takes 10% of your Neopoints on hand
Tekkitu the Witch DoctorYou can find him by taking the Mystery Island Tiki Tour
The DrenchedRefresh here:
The SnowagerVisit the Snowager at his lair when he’s sleeping, try to pick something up and when he wakes up he’ll challenge you.
Tiki Tack Man
TurmaculusThe Turmaculus has to eat your pet
Zafara RogueKeep refreshing at

Contributed By: Firestorm88, Skye7707, electrosho, neobeastman, Dark Magician GirI, wizard1, zerocool07, 0_zerocool_0, Kite Man

Hidden links

UnlockableHow to Unlock
The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of ProsperityVisit

Contributed By: 0_zerocool_0

Hidden Smilies

Enter these in the Neoboards for special smilies

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Acara Picture*acara*
Angelpuss Face*angelpuss*
Blumaroo Picture*blumaroo*
Buzz Picture*buzz*
Christas Ornament*bauble*
Complaining face (animated)*complain*
Cybunny Picture*cybunny*
Eyrie Picture*eyrie*
Gelert Picture*gelert*
Grundo Picture*grundo*
Jubjub Picture*jubjub*
Kau Picture*kau*
Kyrii Picture*kyrii*
Lupe Picture*lupe*
Poogle Picture*poogle*
Shoyru Picture*shoyru*
Techo Picture*techo*
Unsure Face (Animated)*unsure*
Violinist (Animated)*violin*

Contributed By: EPNeo, electrosho, Jelly Soup


A Sidebar is a theme that you use while browsing the Neopets website. The following are the currently known sidebars and methods for unlocking them:

UnlockableHow to Unlock
Altador CupYou need to have participated in the Altador Cup
Constellation SidebarYou must have completed the Altador Plot
Cyodrake’s GazeGet at least two correct guesses in the Cyodrake’s Gaze mini-plot
Neopets Purple
Space Faerie PremiumBe a Premium Member and refer five paying people to Premium
ValentineSend/receive the item Mysterious Valentines Card to another player anytime during Valentines day

Contributed By: Abarint, peachzeldagirl, _Scott_, neobeastman

All for Me!

Type “Asparagus” in the search box and at the top of the screen will be a picture of Adam and the words “You can’t have it, it’s all MINE!”.

Contributed By: simsmagic

Giant Jelly in Jelly Blobs of Doom

While playing the game Jelly Blobs of doom, start typing random text. Once you’ve entered enough random text, a jelly that takes up half the screen will come by and it has the text “You shouldn’t enter random text… you never know what will happen!” on it!

Contributed By: evilchao2

Ice Cream Machine: The spinning person

This is just something funny I found in Ice Cream Machine. Go into the game and start a round. Beat the strawberry round then leave the screen alone for about 10 minutes. (Meaning click onto another screen and do something else) After that time, the ice cream covered player will become a person and will spin when you move your mouse. (And yes, that person is a staff member, or I believe so since you do see him in whack-a-staff member.)

Contributed By: Starmist

Secret Message In Neoboards

When you are posting a message on the Neoboards, type the number 5514344 in your message and post it. If done correctly, the numbers will turn into the word “Ghostbusters!”.

Contributed By: InstantDeath


In the search box, type in the word ‘treasure’ and press Go. When the search results come up, a picture of a Pirate Grundo with the words ‘ARRRR! YE BE SEEKING TREASURE!’ underneath it will appear.

Contributed By: Abarint

Tug-O-War Blood Spurt

In Tug-O-War, if you press the F key during gameplay on Level 2 or later, blood will spurt from the water coating the screen momentarily, with white text that says “Oh Yeah!”. A voice will also say “Fatality!” You can do this once per level.

Contributed By: neobeastman

Deadly Dice

Roll the dice and score higher then Count Von Roo to level up but if you roll lower you lose a level. Count Von Roo is only awake from Midnight to 1:00AM NST

Contributed By: Toejam and Earl

Draik Nest

There is no link on the website for the Draik Nest. If you have purchased a Draik Egg, you may take it to the Draik Nest to hatch the Egg into a Draik Pet. You must use the following URL:

Contributed By: Firestorm88

Fungus Caves

There is a small cave beside the Smugglers Cove. If you click it, you will enter the Fungus Caves. The direct link (since the cave are hard to find) is:

If you go there, you will be able to let your Krawk PetPet eat a bit of fungus, letting it grow into a fully grown Krawk Pet.

Contributed By: Firestorm88

Virtual Prize Codes Giveaway : Neopets

Get 40 seconds in Hasee Bounce

To get 40 seconds instead of 20 seconds, spell Hasee with only orange letters or spell it with only purple letters.

Neopets Virtual Prize Codes List

Contributed By: Bad at Video Games

Hidden Tower Location

Neopets Virtual Prize Code

To Find the Hidden Tower, go to Faerieland, enter the Faerie City, and click on the the empty space directly left of the leftmost pink tower on the big building in the back to enter the Hidden Tower.

Contributed By: The Return Of Danman

Jelly World

Jelly World is a world not located on any map. To get there, paste the following URL in your address bar:

Contributed By: Firestorm88

Neopets Virtual Prize Code

Once a month Freebie

Once a Month go to the link below for a free 2000 NP and one food item PER neopet that you own.

Contributed By: TinPhams

Rejected Pets

Want to see the losers in a competition for the new pet? Go here:

Contributed By: Firestorm88

Roo Island

To find the Secret Mini world Roo Island, you can either look on the explore map and look just to the left of Meridell and click on the small island or enter this URL into your box at the top:

Contributed By: geniusdude89

Use Grundo as a ball in Zurroball

When your picking your ball, try and click the ‘N’ that’s on the Grundo’s space suit. Once you click it, the game will start and you will use the Space Grundo as a ball.

Contributed By: Ryosagi

Use TPOSG as a character in Tyrannia Mini Golf

At the ‘Choose Your Character’ screen, tab until the Chomby is selected, then tab once more and press Enter. Another method is to just click on the right eye of the Lupe (the black part). After you’ve done either one, you will now see Olliver AKA ‘The Phantom Orange Shirt Guy’, on the corner of your game screen as your selected character.

Contributed By: neobeastman