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Details Research activities in various fields of science and technology in substance is characterized by four things, namely the effort is systematic, there is something of the findings, its usefulness and follow-up dissemination of findings (Awards, 2013:70). The Attempt a systematic in this context is characterized by a lack of clarity in the steps that are taken in an explicit, clear and straightforward starting from the determination of the issue until the conclusion and / or generalization (perampatan) and can be replicated by other researchers findings (Awards, 2013:70). As a research effort systematic has the sense that to be able to acquire true knowledge, the research was conducted by using the scientific method by researchers who have scientific integrity.

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The research was conducted based on the theories, principles, and basic assumptions of science using deductive reasoning as well as the procedures and techniques a systematic way. The for example, Creswell (2012:8-11) mentions there are at least 6 systematic research, namely: (1) identify the research problem, (2) searching for appropriate literature and support, (3) menspesifikkan the purpose of research, (4) collect data, (5) analyze and interpret the data, and (6) make reports and evaluation research.

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